The preparation for 2024's WISE Legends Symposium went much smoother than years past. I learned a lot from the mistakes made that first year, many mistakes which involved cost of printing shirts without pairing down the colors to be four-color prints as well as the size of each item on the shirt itself needing to be smaller. We laugh at these mistakes now, and have avoided them this time around. 
For this years event, I tightened up the WISE Future Leaders logo and made a new graphic that can be printed in four colors. The color of the shirts we chose both suit the graphics better and are a play off the popularity of the Barbie movie based on request from students. The updated graphics are crisper this year and feel all the more confident and intentional.
The addition of two new 8ft towers was requested, and while those had to match previous years iterations, we did get to add a new color combination (the two reds) which we then reflected into the design of other graphics. Overall, this is my favorite iteration of the event yet! 

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